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Interested in being a part of the Gala Auction Committee?


The AHN Spring Gala is being held on Friday, March 28 at the Glen Sanders Mansion, and we’re looking for members to help us put together a robust Auction program once again this year.  Volunteers can choose to help in one or more of the following ways, based on your interests and schedule:

·       Solicit and secure items for the Wine and Spirits Wall

·       Solicit and secure auction items for the Gala Auction

·       Make connections to people and businesses that may be interested in sponsoring or donating items for the auction.

·       Donating items for the Wine and Spirit Wall, Gift Card Pull, and/or Auction

·       Promoting the auction


All AHN community members-alumnae, current parents, past parents, and friends- are invited to join us for an informational meeting on January 9 (you will be able to join in person or virtual). There will be an afternoon and evening meeting option. If you’d like to attend the informational meeting, or learn more about the Auction committee, please respond using this brief survey. After the informational meeting, auction committee members will be able to select which areas they would like to help in. 

If you prefer, simply fill out the interest form below, and a member of the Advancement Team will be in touch.   

Volunteer Interest Form

Contact Information

With grateful appreciation for all of our generous sponsors!

This event features open seating for all attendees, except for Sponsors and those who have purchased full tables. Sponsors and full table purchasers will have reserved seating.